Sunday 24 January 2016

We have moved

We got fed up trying to use the blogger apps to upload photos so we have moved to WordPress.

Please use this link to see our blog from now on.

We are still catching up with the Antarctica trip but there are some blogs and photos up there already...

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Next stop Antarctica

This is our last day in Ushuaia - we get on the ship Ortelius bound for Antarctica at 4pm today. So we'll go quiet for the next 10 days and will be back on the 22nd (next stop Santiago). Right where did I put those sea sickness pill...

Banksy in Ushuaia?

Not as controversial as Banksy but I like the moody feel of them. Amazing detail in the dancers. Thank you Jef Aerosol :-)

Monday 11 January 2016

Next stop, Ushuaia

Our fleeting visit to Buenos Aires has come to an end. Next stop Ushuaia for the boat to Antarctica!

Big beers

To go with the big meals, they have big beers - bigger than Cheryl's head!

Light lunch

Well, the Argentinians don't seem to have a "small portion size" mentality!

No need for dinner tonight...